iMakr studios located on Clerkenwell Road, London is a hotbed for the innovation taking place in the 3D print industry.


The studio is filled with 3D models all strategically arranged to showcase models of the most extravagant designs such as; battle helmets, swords, small-scale architecture and full faced busts. France’s own Armand Chefdor (22), a student engineer, is one in a team of designers scanning and printing 3D models for clients of various businesses.


SmarTech recently published a report outlining that by 2019, 3D printing could be worth as much as $1.1 billion to the automotive industry. While this might sound convincing to our ears, the idea prompted a humoured response from Chefdor citing that the technology thus far has not reached that capacity. In fact currently it’s limited to printing ‘dragons’ and ‘demons’.



Upon arrival, Armand almost immediately directed me to a first generation 3D printer saying,


 “This is printing skipping rope handles for a rope made from ball bearings”.



He then directed me to his pride of work, the scanner he had built in under 6 months, for a project I have titled "Armand's Big Build" following his lack of a project name.


Details of SmarTech's full report can be read here?


Is the future 3D?